Double and joint Master’s degrees

Double degree

The agreement is between Università degli Studi Roma Tre – Master Degree Business administration LM-77
and University at Albany – State University of New York -Master’s of Business administration


An opportunity for business students; please see Regolamento didattico corso di laurea magistrale Economia aziendale LM-77 2022/2023  .
For more details do not hesitate to contact Link identifier .

Call for admission

‘Bando di ammissione a.a. 2023/24’ will be published on Link identifier #identifier__144553-1Portale dello studente

Studying at University at Albany – State University of New York

Link identifier #identifier__176779-2University at Albany – State University of New York

Link identifier #identifier__173 Business programs for international students

Link identifier #identifier__71400-4Transfer from Roma Tre

Study award

The Department rewards its deserving students. The competition notice will be published in April 2023. Students who are eligible in the ranking of the ‘Bando di ammissione 2023/24’ will be able to access it.

Link identifier #identifier__137344-2Link identifier #identifier__45060-3Link identifier #identifier__174446-4Link identifier #identifier__149639-5
mlnuccilli 13 April 2023