Research lines

The Department of Business Economics aims to develop research on business creation, management, administration and auditing of public and private companies, the regulation of the activities of individuals, businesses and markets, and the use of financial knowledge and methods from financial, business, mathematical and legal sciences. In pursuing these purposes, the department promotes interdisciplinarity as a defining feature of its scientific and educational offering.

Nowadays interdisciplinarity is a critical response to the needs of the outside world characterized by numerous intrinsic complexities. In this perspective, the department aims to maximize the potential of the diverse competences of its professors and researchers to carry out research and analysis capable of providing an effective response to today’s economic, corporate, managerial and financial issues.

In particular, the Department of Business Economics aims to develop:

  • Quality scientific research with a theoretical and applicative vocation specific to the fields of business economics as well as mathematical and legal sciences.
    In this regard, the whole department aims to promote: participation in national and international research projects, with funding on the basis of competitive tenders; participation in editorial committees of national and international importance; management of journals and prestigious editorial series; participation in sector academies as well as national and international research centres.
  • Internationalization through the creation and consolidation of international research networks, the acquisition of scientific roles of responsibility in international projects and participation with research centres. Furthermore, the department encourages teachers and researchers to carry out teaching activities at high-quality, international universities and research institutes.
  • Integration between research and teaching, with the aim of guaranteeing an innovative training in terms of contents and teaching methodology.
  • Local community engagement is necessary to connect the university with the institutional and business worlds. In particular, the department promotes research and the establishment of research centres and observatories aimed at responding to the needs of profit and non-profit, public and private, large and small organizations involved in the production and marketing of goods and services.

Departmental research activities are focused on three macro areas:

  • Accounting
  • Management
  • Finance


The object of study concerns: theoretical and practical business economics, legal and mathematical knowledge inherent in planning, leadership, management, administration, control, auditing, evaluation, finance, accounting, legal affairs and taxation, necessary for public, private and freelance practice, such as a chartered accountant, auditor, consultant or expert in European and non-European accounting and accountability matters.


The object of study concerns: activities relating to the management of profit and non-profit, national and international organizations, with particular attention paid to strategic planning and marketing, inter-organizational relations, national and international legislation regarding contracts, companies, markets and related taxation, business crisis management, relations with the market, consumer behaviour and related protections, innovation, corporate social responsibility, environmental sustainability, work and business organization, human resources management, quantitative methods supporting managerial decisions, production management, industrial property, product quality management, and organizational processes and systems.


The object of study concerns: activities relating to financial markets, financial parties, including issuers, investors and intermediaries, such as banks, insurance companies as well as investment and pension funds, institutions operating on the market, the management of financial intermediaries and financial, economic and equity balance conditions, the analysis of equity, bond, derivative, structured and insurance contracts, primary and secondary legal regulations, financial and risk measurement and management models, the applications of choice theory under conditions of uncertainty, including portfolio selection issues, the theory and practice of corporate finance, the financial decisions of industrial and service companies in relation to the capital market, proprietary and corporate governance models for the analysis and financial assessment of companies and investments, real estate finance, and national and international financial investment regulations.

Link identifier #identifier__31030-1Link identifier #identifier__197881-2Link identifier #identifier__20570-3Link identifier #identifier__97028-4
admin 15 December 2021