Erasmus Programme

The Erasmus, or European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students programme, offers study opportunities and internships in universities throughout the European Union.

The departmental Erasmus Coordinators are:

Dott. Simone Barbareschi
E-mail: Link identifier

Dott. Giovanni Calice
E-mail: Link identifier

Dott. Federico Ceschel
E-mail: Link identifier

Dott. Felice Matozza
E-Mail: Link identifier

Learning agreement is approved by the departmental Erasmus Coordinators on the base of the following list:

Federico Ceschel Felice Matozza Simone Barbareschi Giovanni Calice
France Austria Czech Republic Portugal
Belgium Germany Spain
Bulgaria Latvia United Kingdom
Croatia Lithuania
Denmark Poland
Estonia Slovakia

Erasmus deskLink identifier #identifier__

Dott.ssa Francesca Fanchiotti
Tel. +39.06.57335831
E-mail: Link identifier

Students can set up an appointment by writing to Link identifier
SLink identifier #identifier__187452-6

Link identifier #identifier__38612-5Link identifier #ide


Link identifier #identifier__186602-3Link identifier #identifier__69990-4Link identifier #identifier__163637-5Link identifier #identifier__66820-6
admin 05 November 2024