The purpose of the course is to provide exhaustive knowledge and comprehension skills of the Italian system of bankruptcy proceedings. Bankrupcty Law studies the laws regulating business crisis and insolvency.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The first part of the course is intended to illustrate the general system of bankruptcy proceedings in the Italian law.
The second part of the course is dedicated to procedures other than bankruptcy, such as arrangement with creditors, debt restructuring agreements, compulsory administrative liquidation, extraordinary administration of large firms in state of insolvency.

Testi Adottati

Sandulli D'Attorre Manuale delle procedure concorsuali Giappichelli 2016
M.SANDULLI, G.D'ATTORRE, La nuova mini-riforma della legge fallimentare, Giappichelli, Torino, 2016

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Sandulli D'Attorre Manuale delle procedure concorsuali Giappichelli 2016 M.SANDULLI, G.D'ATTORRE, La nuova mini-riforma della legge fallimentare, Giappichelli, Torino, 2016

Modalità Erogazione

Lezioni didattiche frontali; seminari. Le attività didattiche prevedono, oltre a lezioni frontali della durata di 2 ore per tre volte a settimana (per un totale di 60 ore), anche seminari tenuti da relatori esterni (magistrati, avvocati, notai) e discussioni di casi di studio, con il fine di illustrare l’applicazione degli istituti trattati. Frontal lessons; seminars. The teaching activities include, in addition to lectures lasting 2 hours three times a week (for a total of 60 hours), also seminars held by external speakers (magistrates, lawyers and notaries) and case study discussions, with the aim of illustrating the application of the treated institutions.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory, but it is recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

The exam consists of a final oral test aimed at verifying the knowledge of the basic categories of bankruptcy law and the familiarity with the fundamentals of the methodology of legal interpretation, as well as the mastery of technical language and the capacity for systematic understanding of the institutions and of the logic underlying them.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The first part of the course is intended to illustrate the general system of bankruptcy proceedings in the Italian law.
The second part of the course is dedicated to procedures other than bankruptcy, such as arrangement with creditors, debt restructuring agreements, compulsory administrative liquidation, extraordinary administration of large firms in state of insolvency.

Testi Adottati

Sandulli D'Attorre Manuale delle procedure concorsuali Giappichelli 2016
M.SANDULLI, G.D'ATTORRE, La nuova mini-riforma della legge fallimentare, Giappichelli, Torino, 2016

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Sandulli D'Attorre Manuale delle procedure concorsuali Giappichelli 2016 M.SANDULLI, G.D'ATTORRE, La nuova mini-riforma della legge fallimentare, Giappichelli, Torino, 2016

Modalità Erogazione

Lezioni didattiche frontali; seminari. Le attività didattiche prevedono, oltre a lezioni frontali della durata di 2 ore per tre volte a settimana (per un totale di 60 ore), anche seminari tenuti da relatori esterni (magistrati, avvocati, notai) e discussioni di casi di studio, con il fine di illustrare l’applicazione degli istituti trattati. Frontal lessons; seminars. The teaching activities include, in addition to lectures lasting 2 hours three times a week (for a total of 60 hours), also seminars held by external speakers (magistrates, lawyers and notaries) and case study discussions, with the aim of illustrating the application of the treated institutions.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory, but it is recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

The exam consists of a final oral test aimed at verifying the knowledge of the basic categories of bankruptcy law and the familiarity with the fundamentals of the methodology of legal interpretation, as well as the mastery of technical language and the capacity for systematic understanding of the institutions and of the logic underlying them.