This course aims to provide the students with a sound basic knowledge of the role and the main activities carried out by the banks in the investment banking business; the influence of the regulation; the organizational and management aspects; the definition, measurement and management of the typical risks.
At the end of the course, the students will have developed:
• an in-depth knowledge of the components of the investment banking business, their roles and functions;
• ability to analyse and interpret behaviour of the bank intermediaries active in the market, also considering their regulation;
• the ability to critically analyse the technical characteristics and economic profiles of the corporate finance transactions.


scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 21201542 CORPORATE & INVESTMENT BANKING in Finanza e impresa LM-16 N0 CARATELLI MASSIMO


This course aims, first of all, to provide an overview of the role and the main activities carried out by the banks in the investment banking business. The central part of the course is dedicated to an analysis of the technical characteristics and of the economic and management profiles of the corporate finance transactions. Finally, the course presents the objectives as well as the organization and the behavioral models of bank intermediaries active in the market, also considering the role of regulation and supervision.
1. The segmentation of the banking market
2. The business of corporate & investment banking
3. The structured finance operations: the project finance
4. The leveraged buy-out
5. The securitization
6. The equity capital market services
7. The venture capital activity
8. The listing of companies and the role of financial intermediaries
9. The credit operations: from traditional formulas to complex structures
10. The bank-firm relationship

Testi Adottati

Fleuriet M. (2018), Investment banking explained: An insider’s guide to the industry, second edition, McGraw-Hill Education.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance in the course is recommended, but not mandatory.

Modalità Valutazione

A (mandatory) oral examination and two (optional) written tests (middle and end-course). The intermediate written tests (about 90 minutes) include open-ended questions, exercises, and multiple choice tests. The oral examination is a discussion about at least three topics of the program. The oral and written examinations are used to evaluate: i) the degree of knowledge of the syllabus; ii) analytical and critical judgement; iii) the ability to use technical language.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 21201542 CORPORATE & INVESTMENT BANKING in Finanza e impresa LM-16 N0 CARATELLI MASSIMO


This course aims, first of all, to provide an overview of the role and the main activities carried out by the banks in the investment banking business. The central part of the course is dedicated to an analysis of the technical characteristics and of the economic and management profiles of the corporate finance transactions. Finally, the course presents the objectives as well as the organization and the behavioral models of bank intermediaries active in the market, also considering the role of regulation and supervision.
1. The segmentation of the banking market
2. The business of corporate & investment banking
3. The structured finance operations: the project finance
4. The leveraged buy-out
5. The securitization
6. The equity capital market services
7. The venture capital activity
8. The listing of companies and the role of financial intermediaries
9. The credit operations: from traditional formulas to complex structures
10. The bank-firm relationship

Testi Adottati

Fleuriet M. (2018), Investment banking explained: An insider’s guide to the industry, second edition, McGraw-Hill Education.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance in the course is recommended, but not mandatory.

Modalità Valutazione

A (mandatory) oral examination and two (optional) written tests (middle and end-course). The intermediate written tests (about 90 minutes) include open-ended questions, exercises, and multiple choice tests. The oral examination is a discussion about at least three topics of the program. The oral and written examinations are used to evaluate: i) the degree of knowledge of the syllabus; ii) analytical and critical judgement; iii) the ability to use technical language.