Consumers and Markets

The Markets and Consumers Ph.D. project aims to train participants in a multidisciplinary way to research the various aspects that characterise the market, paying particular attention to the issues of sustainability, consumer protection, governance of public and private organisations, as well as quantitative tools to support the interpretation of financial markets. The interdisciplinary approach enables Ph.D. students to interpret the complexity of the current social and economic context. Therefore, the Ph.D. programs gather several research fields such as economic-business, legal and quantitative sciences. The aim is to valorise the synergy between the various cultural areas; moreover, different research methodologies will provide doctoral students with advanced and integrated skills. The Ph.D. in Market and consumers is organized in four curricula that, adopting different theoretical lenses (law, business, mathematical and financial), provide students with theoretical and practical insights for understanding the complexity of the market phenomena. The course aims to provide the skills necessary to carry out highly qualified research activities at universities, public bodies, or private entities (also to access careers in public administrations and integrate highly innovative professional paths ). The objective is to specialise in analysing and managing economic and business activities, markets, and economic law. The paths proposed in the training project will allow candidates to deepen diversified methodologies and research approaches. Common training interventions, carried out through seminars, will enable doctoral students to acquire a wealth of interdisciplinary and integrated skills necessary to interpret better complex systems typical of the social and economic sector. Participants will also be able to spend the knowledge and skills acquired, in the academic field of work contexts, having earned a critical ability to interpret economic, corporate, legal, and market phenomena. Areas: - Economics Law and Consumers Rights The main topics of the course, appoached in an interdisciplinary way: a) market Regulation; b) Consumer's Protection: public and private enforcement; c) Dispute resolutions and remedies. - Finance, markets and regulation The main topics of the course are. financial assessment and risk management in the market finance, insurance and retirement package framework in the national and international perspective. - Governance, value and control The main topics of the course are: a)governance and management strategies; b) policy innovation through forecast, control and leadership instruments; c) evaluation of innovative instruments referring to digitalization procedures; d) governance and management of value creation. - Quality, innovation and sustainability The main research fields object of this curriculum are built with an interdisciplinary perspective and are: a) process, product and services quality; b) technological innovation; c) environmental, economic and social sustainability. All the educational activities of this curriculum will take place in english.
Link identifier #identifier__23750-1Link identifier #identifier__105590-2Link identifier #identifier__8342-3Link identifier #identifier__99563-4


Curriculum Diritto dell'economia e dei consumatori
codice CURR1143
Curriculum Finanza mercati e regolazione
codice CURR1144
Curriculum Governance e gestione d'impresa
codice CURR1145
Curriculum Qualità, innovazione e sostenibilità
codice CURR1146