Aim of the course is the dissemination and increase of knowledge of the circular economy through the critical analysis of all the different aspects connected.The main objective of the Circular Economy is to achieve a non-dissipative economic system that is able to keep itself in balance and minimize, if you do not eliminate it altogether, any type of waste ; everything, from clothing to household items to food and tools, have a purpose and an after-life-purpose, so that “traditional waste” can be something useful to others or in another form. Thus a new way of thinking and acting is required and thet all stakeholders join forces and actively implement the sustainability principle in their own field of competence. In this perspective, during the course, some of the most important aspects such as sustainable production and consumption will be addressed, through new production models and new product design methods, the main tools for managing environmental management systems; a particular focus will be implemented on waste management through the analysis of the virtuous circuit "reduction, reuse, recovery and recycling" and the best technological and regulatory tools. Particular attention will also be paid to the social and ethical aspects involved.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


•Recall of the main basic concepts on sustainability ( definitions, milestones, SGDs, …)
•Sustainability indicators (Sustainability Index, Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) , Environmental Performance Index (EPI),Happy Planet Index (HPI)…
•Notes on the main tools for analyzing environmental,economic and social impacts (LCA,LCC,SLCA,EPD, footprinting…)
•Circular economy ( definition and main issues)
•International and european strategy for Circular Economy :
Waste management in CE,
Secondary Raw materials and water reuse ,
Enabling measures and conditions for the EU circular economy
Monitoring framework for the EU circular economy
Target areas of the EU circular economy
EU strategy for plastics in a circular economy
Digital economy,EU Digital Agenda,digitising the European Indust Sustainable companies
Industrial Symbiosis ( definition and case study);
•Kalundborg Symbiosis
Experiences of Industrial symbiosis ( L’Oreal, Taranto wide area ...)
•Eco-Industrial Park (EIP)
•Urban methabolism and urban Industrial Symbiosis
waste management

Testi Adottati

- A copy of the slides used during lecturers and useful papers will be provided for free by the teacher.
- Tonelli M., and Cristoni, N. 2019, "Strategic Management and the Circular Economy", Routledge edition
- Material for additional and deeper informations will be provided for free during the course, if required

Modalità Erogazione

Head-on lectures held in the classroom by the lecturer (s); the lessons will eventually be integrated with seminars held by experts coming from companies and institutions; in addition students who attend the lessons are requested to realize a group project which will be evaluated as a parte of the final exam. The lessons can be integrated with online exercises also for the purpose of self-assessment by the students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and lessons may take place using telematic instruments.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory but is extremely useful and thus encouraged. Anyway students who do not attend the lessons can discuss about the topics of the program during dedicated meeting whit teacher, as scheduled in the website.

Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation of the achievement of training objectives will carried out by oral examination, added to the assessment of group project; the online exercises carried out during the course are mainly aimed at encouraging students' self-assessment. Different methods of assessment may be adopted in response to particular needs of students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and exams may take place using telematic instruments.

scheda docente | materiale didattico



•Recall of the main basic concepts on sustainability ( definitions, milestones, SGDs, …)
•Sustainability indicators (Sustainability Index, Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) , Environmental Performance Index (EPI),Happy Planet Index (HPI)…
•Notes on the main tools for analyzing environmental,economic and social impacts (LCA,LCC,SLCA,EPD, footprinting…)
•Circular economy ( definition and main issues)
•International and european strategy for Circular Economy :
Waste management in CE,
Secondary Raw materials and water reuse ,
Enabling measures and conditions for the EU circular economy
Monitoring framework for the EU circular economy
Target areas of the EU circular economy
EU strategy for plastics in a circular economy
Digital economy,EU Digital Agenda,digitising the European Indust Sustainable companies
Industrial Symbiosis ( definition and case study);
•Kalundborg Symbiosis
Experiences of Industrial symbiosis ( L’Oreal, Taranto wide area ...)
•Eco-Industrial Park (EIP)
•Urban methabolism and urban Industrial Symbiosis
waste management

Testi Adottati

- A copy of the slides used during lecturers and useful papers will be provided for free by the teacher.
- Tonelli M., and Cristoni, N. 2019, "Strategic Management and the Circular Economy", Routledge edition
- Material for additional and deeper informations will be provided for free during the course, if required

Modalità Erogazione

Head-on lectures held in the classroom by the lecturer (s); the lessons will eventually be integrated with seminars held by experts coming from companies and institutions; in addition students who attend the lessons are requested to realize a group project which will be evaluated as a parte of the final exam. The lessons can be integrated with online exercises also for the purpose of self-assessment by the students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and lessons may take place using telematic instruments.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory but is extremely useful and thus encouraged. Anyway students who do not attend the lessons can discuss about the topics of the program during dedicated meeting whit teacher, as scheduled in the website.

Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation of the achievement of training objectives will carried out by oral examination, added to the assessment of group project; the online exercises carried out during the course are mainly aimed at encouraging students' self-assessment. Different methods of assessment may be adopted in response to particular needs of students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and exams may take place using telematic instruments.

scheda docente | materiale didattico



•Recall of the main basic concepts on sustainability ( definitions, milestones, SGDs, …)
•Sustainability indicators (Sustainability Index, Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) , Environmental Performance Index (EPI),Happy Planet Index (HPI)…
•Notes on the main tools for analyzing environmental,economic and social impacts (LCA,LCC,SLCA,EPD, footprinting…)
•Circular economy ( definition and main issues)
•International and european strategy for Circular Economy :
Waste management in CE,
Secondary Raw materials and water reuse ,
Enabling measures and conditions for the EU circular economy
Monitoring framework for the EU circular economy
Target areas of the EU circular economy
EU strategy for plastics in a circular economy
Digital economy,EU Digital Agenda,digitising the European Indust Sustainable companies
Industrial Symbiosis ( definition and case study);
•Kalundborg Symbiosis
Experiences of Industrial symbiosis ( L’Oreal, Taranto wide area ...)
•Eco-Industrial Park (EIP)
•Urban methabolism and urban Industrial Symbiosis
waste management

Testi Adottati

- A copy of the slides used during lecturers and useful papers will be provided for free by the teacher.
- Tonelli M., and Cristoni, N. 2019, "Strategic Management and the Circular Economy", Routledge edition
- Material for additional and deeper informations will be provided for free during the course, if required

Modalità Erogazione

Head-on lectures held in the classroom by the lecturer (s); the lessons will eventually be integrated with seminars held by experts coming from companies and institutions; in addition students who attend the lessons are requested to realize a group project which will be evaluated as a parte of the final exam. The lessons can be integrated with online exercises also for the purpose of self-assessment by the students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and lessons may take place using telematic instruments.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory but is extremely useful and thus encouraged. Anyway students who do not attend the lessons can discuss about the topics of the program during dedicated meeting whit teacher, as scheduled in the website.

Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation of the achievement of training objectives will carried out by oral examination, added to the assessment of group project; the online exercises carried out during the course are mainly aimed at encouraging students' self-assessment. Different methods of assessment may be adopted in response to particular needs of students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and exams may take place using telematic instruments.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


•Recall of the main basic concepts on sustainability ( definitions, milestones, SGDs, …)
•Sustainability indicators (Sustainability Index, Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) , Environmental Performance Index (EPI),Happy Planet Index (HPI)…
•Notes on the main tools for analyzing environmental,economic and social impacts (LCA,LCC,SLCA,EPD, footprinting…)
•Circular economy ( definition and main issues)
•International and european strategy for Circular Economy :
Waste management in CE,
Secondary Raw materials and water reuse ,
Enabling measures and conditions for the EU circular economy
Monitoring framework for the EU circular economy
Target areas of the EU circular economy
EU strategy for plastics in a circular economy
Digital economy,EU Digital Agenda,digitising the European Indust Sustainable companies
Industrial Symbiosis ( definition and case study);
•Kalundborg Symbiosis
Experiences of Industrial symbiosis ( L’Oreal, Taranto wide area ...)
•Eco-Industrial Park (EIP)
•Urban methabolism and urban Industrial Symbiosis
waste management

Testi Adottati

- A copy of the slides used during lecturers and useful papers will be provided for free by the teacher.
- Tonelli M., and Cristoni, N. 2019, "Strategic Management and the Circular Economy", Routledge edition
- Material for additional and deeper informations will be provided for free during the course, if required

Modalità Erogazione

Head-on lectures held in the classroom by the lecturer (s); the lessons will eventually be integrated with seminars held by experts coming from companies and institutions; in addition students who attend the lessons are requested to realize a group project which will be evaluated as a parte of the final exam. The lessons can be integrated with online exercises also for the purpose of self-assessment by the students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and lessons may take place using telematic instruments.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory but is extremely useful and thus encouraged. Anyway students who do not attend the lessons can discuss about the topics of the program during dedicated meeting whit teacher, as scheduled in the website.

Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation of the achievement of training objectives will carried out by oral examination, added to the assessment of group project; the online exercises carried out during the course are mainly aimed at encouraging students' self-assessment. Different methods of assessment may be adopted in response to particular needs of students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and exams may take place using telematic instruments.

scheda docente | materiale didattico



•Recall of the main basic concepts on sustainability ( definitions, milestones, SGDs, …)
•Sustainability indicators (Sustainability Index, Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) , Environmental Performance Index (EPI),Happy Planet Index (HPI)…
•Notes on the main tools for analyzing environmental,economic and social impacts (LCA,LCC,SLCA,EPD, footprinting…)
•Circular economy ( definition and main issues)
•International and european strategy for Circular Economy :
Waste management in CE,
Secondary Raw materials and water reuse ,
Enabling measures and conditions for the EU circular economy
Monitoring framework for the EU circular economy
Target areas of the EU circular economy
EU strategy for plastics in a circular economy
Digital economy,EU Digital Agenda,digitising the European Indust Sustainable companies
Industrial Symbiosis ( definition and case study);
•Kalundborg Symbiosis
Experiences of Industrial symbiosis ( L’Oreal, Taranto wide area ...)
•Eco-Industrial Park (EIP)
•Urban methabolism and urban Industrial Symbiosis
waste management

Testi Adottati

- A copy of the slides used during lecturers and useful papers will be provided for free by the teacher.
- Tonelli M., and Cristoni, N. 2019, "Strategic Management and the Circular Economy", Routledge edition
- Material for additional and deeper informations will be provided for free during the course, if required

Modalità Erogazione

Head-on lectures held in the classroom by the lecturer (s); the lessons will eventually be integrated with seminars held by experts coming from companies and institutions; in addition students who attend the lessons are requested to realize a group project which will be evaluated as a parte of the final exam. The lessons can be integrated with online exercises also for the purpose of self-assessment by the students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and lessons may take place using telematic instruments.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory but is extremely useful and thus encouraged. Anyway students who do not attend the lessons can discuss about the topics of the program during dedicated meeting whit teacher, as scheduled in the website.

Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation of the achievement of training objectives will carried out by oral examination, added to the assessment of group project; the online exercises carried out during the course are mainly aimed at encouraging students' self-assessment. Different methods of assessment may be adopted in response to particular needs of students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and exams may take place using telematic instruments.

scheda docente | materiale didattico



•Recall of the main basic concepts on sustainability ( definitions, milestones, SGDs, …)
•Sustainability indicators (Sustainability Index, Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) , Environmental Performance Index (EPI),Happy Planet Index (HPI)…
•Notes on the main tools for analyzing environmental,economic and social impacts (LCA,LCC,SLCA,EPD, footprinting…)
•Circular economy ( definition and main issues)
•International and european strategy for Circular Economy :
Waste management in CE,
Secondary Raw materials and water reuse ,
Enabling measures and conditions for the EU circular economy
Monitoring framework for the EU circular economy
Target areas of the EU circular economy
EU strategy for plastics in a circular economy
Digital economy,EU Digital Agenda,digitising the European Indust Sustainable companies
Industrial Symbiosis ( definition and case study);
•Kalundborg Symbiosis
Experiences of Industrial symbiosis ( L’Oreal, Taranto wide area ...)
•Eco-Industrial Park (EIP)
•Urban methabolism and urban Industrial Symbiosis
waste management

Testi Adottati

- A copy of the slides used during lecturers and useful papers will be provided for free by the teacher.
- Tonelli M., and Cristoni, N. 2019, "Strategic Management and the Circular Economy", Routledge edition
- Material for additional and deeper informations will be provided for free during the course, if required

Modalità Erogazione

Head-on lectures held in the classroom by the lecturer (s); the lessons will eventually be integrated with seminars held by experts coming from companies and institutions; in addition students who attend the lessons are requested to realize a group project which will be evaluated as a parte of the final exam. The lessons can be integrated with online exercises also for the purpose of self-assessment by the students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and lessons may take place using telematic instruments.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is not mandatory but is extremely useful and thus encouraged. Anyway students who do not attend the lessons can discuss about the topics of the program during dedicated meeting whit teacher, as scheduled in the website.

Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation of the achievement of training objectives will carried out by oral examination, added to the assessment of group project; the online exercises carried out during the course are mainly aimed at encouraging students' self-assessment. Different methods of assessment may be adopted in response to particular needs of students. N.B: In case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19,al the provisions of the University regulating the way of carrying out the didactic activities will be strictly followed and exams may take place using telematic instruments.