QualificaRicercatore tempo det. Legge 240/2010
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareECON-07/A
IndirizzoVia Silvio D'Amico 77
  • Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale
Altre informazioniSito web personale
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Titoli e cariche

Dr. Principato is a researcher who focuses on sustainable food systems management, in particular on food waste, consumer health, and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She is a post-doc Researcher of Business Sustainability at Roma Tre University and a scientific advisor, speaker and author. She authored +50 scientific publications on food waste, sustainability and consumer health. She has been recognized as one of the top three expert and authors on consumer food waste (Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018).

She holds a Ph.D. in Management with a doctoral thesis on households food waste.

She lived in Boston for two years where she had been a member of the Psychology of Eating and Consumer Health Lab at the Harvard School of Public Health and led a research project on healthy food consumption in collaboration with HSPH.

During 2013-2014 she had been visiting researcher at the Center for Health Promotion and Health Equity at Brown University. From 2011 to 2013 she had been research fellow at the University of Roma Tre with a project on food waste.

Principato regularly gives keynote speeches on Sustainability and UN Sustainable Development Goals, and serves in advisory roles for firms and not-for-profit organizations across the globe.

Her studies have also been featured in La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, Ansa, Affari e Finanza, National Geographic, Focus, and her work has been discussed on IPS News, Sky TG24, TG3, Class CNBC, and Radio Rai.





  • Can digital solutions help in the minimization of out-of-home waste? An analysis from the client and business perspective. Secondi L., Principato L., Mattia G., British Food Journal. (2019).
  • Shared mobility as a driver for sustainable consumptions: The intention to re-use free-floating car sharing. Mattia G., Guglielmetti Mugion R., Principato L. Journal of Cleaner Production. (2019).
  • Investigating Consumers’ Perception of Discounted Suboptimal Products at Retail Stores. Cicatiello C., Secondi L., Principato L. Resources. (2019).
  • Reusing food waste in food manufacturing companies: the case of the tomato-sauce supply chain. Secondi L., Principato L., Ruini L., Guidi M. Sustainability. (2019).
  • Sensory variety in shape and color influences fruit and vegetable intake, liking, and purchase intentions in some subsets of adults: A randomized pilot experiment. Vadiveloo M., Principato L., Morwitz V., Mattei J. Food Quality and Preference. (2019).
  • Adopting the circular economy approach on food loss and waste: The case of Italian pasta production. Principato, L., Ruini L., Guidi M., Secondi L. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. (2019).
  • Food sharing and innovative business models. Di Leo A., Michelini L., Principato L. Ch. 20, in Kosseva M., “Food Industry Wastes: Assessment and Recuperation of Commodities, Second Edition”, Elsevier, in press. (2019).
  • Understanding the global food systems. Allievi F., Antonelli M., Dembska K., Principato L. Ch 1, in Valentini et al., “Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through Sustainable Food Systems”, Springer. (2019).


  • Mapping the sharing economy: a two-sided markets perspective. Iasevoli G., Michelini L., Grieco C., Principato L.. Sinergie Journal of Management. (2018).
  • Towards Zero Waste: an Exploratory Study on Restaurant managers. Principato L., Pratesi C.A., Secondi L.  International Journal of Hospitality Management (2018).
  • Understanding Food Sharing Models to Tackle Sustainability Challenges. Michelini L., Principato L., Iasevoli G. Ecological Economics. (2018).
  • Food Waste at the Consumer Level. A comprehensive Literature Review. Principato L. Springer International Publishing. (2018).


  • From Plate to Waste: an exploratory study on behaviour towards food waste of Spanish and Italian Youths. Mondéjar Jiménez J, Ferrari G., Secondi L., Principato L.  Journal of Cleaner Producion. (2016).
  • A multi-level intervention in subsidized housing sites to increase fruit and vegetable access and intake: Rationale, design and methods of the ‘Live Well, Viva Bien’ cluster randomized trial. Gans K., Gorham G., Risica P.M., Dulin-Keita A., Dionne L., Gao T., Peters S., and Principato L. BMC Public Health. (2016).
  • Household food waste behaviour in EU-27 countries: A multilevel analysis. Secondi, L., Principato, L., Laureti, T. Food Policy. (2015).
  • Working toward Healthy and Sustainable Diets: The "Double Pyramid Model" Developed by the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition to Raise Awareness about the Environmental and Nutritional Impact of Foods. Ruini L.F., Ciati R., Pratesi C.A., Marino M., Principato L., Vannuzzi E. Frontiers in Nutrition. (2015).
  • Reducing food waste: an investigation on the behaviour of Italian Youths. Principato L., Secondi L., Pratesi C.A. British Food Journal. (2015).
  • Le etichette ambientali: comprensione, motivazione e risposta del consumatore. Principato L. Ch. 6, in G. Lugli, Cibo, salute e business, neuroscienze e marketing nutrizionale. Edizioni Egea. (2015).